Here we will guide you through the steps of using Azure Active Directory as your IDP to configure your SAML2 SSO. Before starting the integration, you will need to contact StreamShark support to enable SSO on your account.
StreamShark supports SSO integration with both Video Player and Admin Portal, you will need to create 2 separate enterprise apps to handle each function. The setup process is very similar to each other, and we will use the Video Player app setup as an example here to demonstrate the steps.
Set up Video Player SSO app
Once your account has SSO enabled, you can navigate to
1) Log into your Azure Active Directory account, and access the desired tenant. Click 'enterprise applications'.
2) Click 'new application'
3) Click 'non-gallery application'
4) Enter 'StreamShark Player' as the enterprise application name.
5) When inside the 'StreamShark Player' application, click '2. Set up single sign on.'
6) Select SAML as the single sign-on method.
7) Add the basic SAML configuration settings. The settings for these can be found in the StreamShark SSO Settings section.
8) Setup the user attributes and claims. For the required claim (marked 1 in screenshot below), make sure you set 'user.mail' as the Source attribute. For additional claims (marked 2 in screenshot below), leave 'Namespace' empty. Make sure your additional claims matches the screenshot below.
9) Download the SAML PEM certificate. Once you've downloaded the PEM certificate, you will need to upload it to StreamShark (see screenshot below of location).
10) It's now time to fill out the rest of the 'Your Other SSO Settings.' The screenshot below shows you what information to fill in each of the fields.
11) Finally it's time to test that the player SSO integration has been successful. First click 'save' to save all the SSO information.
Next click the 'Test' button. You should see a small pop up window appear. If you've set up everything correctly you should see the screen below.
If the test was successful you can now click the 'Enable' button. This will enable to ability to use SSO access control for live streaming events.